How the Bambach can help prevent and relieve Sciatica

Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve – which is the longest nerve in your body, running from the back of your pelvis, all the way down both legs and ending at your feet. While people with sciatica can also have general back pain, the pain associated with sciatica usually affects the buttocks and legs much more than the back.

Do I have sciatica

Although it’s always wise to seek professional advice, there are several symptoms which typically characterise sciatica. A list of these is below.

Treating Sciatica

There are several recognised treatments that can relieve the symptoms of sciatica. We’ve briefly described some of them below. However, one of the most effective treatments, and preventative measures, is to improve your posture by changing your sitting habits – especially if you spend a lot of time sitting on a conventional ‘flat’ seat. The Bambach Saddle Seat has been proven to help sciatica sufferers, and even to eliminate symptoms altogether.

"You can minimise your risk of developing a 
slipped disc or back injury that could lead to sciatica 
by adopting a better posture." - NHS UK

The Bambach Saddle Seat provides relief for sciatica suffers:

  • By positioning the thighs in their resting position at 45°, the sciatic nerve is in its neutral position and provided the pelvis is upright which it is on a Bambach, pressure on the sciatic nerves is reduced.
  • By allowing the spine to maintain its natural ‘S’ shape (the shape it has while standing). This reduces pressure on the sciatica nerve that normally results from sitting on a conventional seat. For a full explanation of the importance of maintaining an ‘S’ shaped (as opposed to a ‘C’ shaped) spine, click here.
  • By improving the core stability of the body.
  • By enhancing freedom of upper-limb movement while sitting.
  • By stabilising the pelvis when seated and reducing the pressure on hip joints.
  • By strengthening core muscles and increasing functional ability.


Symptoms of Sciatica

  • Lower back pain accompanied by leg pain.
  • A constant pain along one side of the buttock or leg, though rarely on both sides at once.
  • Pain that starts in the lower back or buttock regions, and continues down the back the thigh into the lower leg and foot.
  • Pain when sitting in a slumped position, which is relieved when lying down or walking.
  • Pins and needles or numbness in the buttocks or legs.
  • Weakness or numbness when moving the leg or foot.
  • A shooting pain, usually in one leg, that make it difficult to stand up and walk.

Treatment of Sciatica

  • Manual therapy, to provide better alignment of the spinal column.
  • Back and abdominal exercises to improve core stability. This provides pain relief because it means that the spine is better supported, helping to facilitate movements that extend or rotate the spine with less chance of injury or damage.
  • Stretching specific muscles that cause pain, such as the hamstrings.
  • Other exercises. There are also other specific exercises which can be performed, depending on the cause of sciatica. It is advisable to consult a medical expert.
  • Using a Bambach Saddle Seat to correctly position the pelvis and improve posture to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Take steps to relieve and prevent Sciatica. Call 020 8532 5100 or email and ask for a 30 day trial of the Bambach Saddle Seat, at home, or at work.