At home or at work... helping you to maintain long term health

Today, more and more people are recognising the importance of making lifestyle choices that promote long-term health. Regular exercise and good nutrition are just two examples of how such choices can help you get the best out of your body. Another is the choice of how you sit! An increasing number of people are realising that conventional seating is harmful to them, because it forces their spine into a deformed ‘C’ shape rather than its nature ‘S’ shape. 

That’s why anyone who sits for extended periods of time – and that’s almost everyone - can benefit from using the Bambach Saddle Seat. It’s because the Bambach is designed to keep the spine in its natural “S” shape, helping to provide relief from, and prevention of, postural stress and spinal deformity. Whether you regularly sit at home, for reasons such as cooking and ironing, or in any working environment ranging from industry to healthcare, you’ll find the Bambach Saddle Seat will help you stay healthy.

Don’t be fooled by look-alike copies, it’s not worth the risk to your health!

  • The Bambach Saddle Seat:
  • Is extremely comfortable
  • Naturally maintains the spine’s stress-free ‘S’ shape
  • Maintains optimal spinal function
  • Prevents slouching and problems caused by poor posture
  • Relieves neck and shoulder pain and related headaches
  • Facilitates fine motor movements of hands and fingers
  • Promotes good circulation
  • Peer reviewed research from Universities worldwide
  • Clinically proven, rigorously tested
  • Manufactured in the UK since 1994
  • Each seat is custom made to fit you
  • Available in 3 robust finishes and over 30 colours
  • Can be upholstered to match your patients’ chair
  • Unparalleled range of aftermarket options and support
  • Free 30 day trial. Click here to try a Bambach