Established over 100 years ago, Dentists’ Provident is the leading provider of income protection insurance to dentists in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Today, they serve over 13,500 members.
Their experience and extensive knowledge of the dental profession has allowed Them to produce detailed information to demonstrate that the majority of the claims paid in 2012 were for back pain and musculoskeletal disorders - both avoidable by using a Bambach Saddle Seat.
The pie charts below show analysis of the 1,459 claims paid in 2012 by gender.
The pie charts below show analysis of the claims paid in 2012 by type of illness or injury. An overwhelming majority of the claims paid in 2012 were for conditions that would not be covered by other protection roducts, for example critical illness cover or life assurance.
Almost 30% of dentists forced to retire early do so because of back pain, and at some stage in their career, 80% of dentists suffer from headaches, and hand, arm, neck, back and shoulder pains, resulting from poor posture when working. Yet the Bambach Saddle Seat is a scientifically designed and proven solution, that helps your pelvis attain its preferred neutral position, so your spine naturally maintains its stress-free ‘S’ shape, resulting in pain-free sitting, ease of movement around your patient, and enhanced fine movement control of your hands and fingers. No-one should suffer in your surgery – least of all you! Call freephone 0800 581108 today to try the Bambach free for 30 days.